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GO Architects Inc.
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18 Jasper Elementary School, Modernization

GO Architects is honored to have been given the opportunity to be the architect for the modernization of Jasper Elementary School, as part of local bond Measure H, which focused on providing improvements to the classroom environment, campus safety and accessibility, technology, and replacing worn-out building systems. With the bond priorities in mind, our team developed solutions to transform the campus.

Providing daylight to as many spaces as possible, especially the classrooms, was identified as a priority early in the design process as this would have the greatest transformative effect on the learning environment. This was done through the placement of skylights in all the classrooms and many of the shared spaces. Classroom spaces were further improved by removing folding accordion walls from each pod and constructing demising walls between the spaces with interconnecting doors and windows, which significantly improved individual classroom acoustics. The balance of the renovation included new finishes throughout, replacement of the campus fire alarm system, new lighting, HVAC systems and controls, addition of a security camera system, installation of door access controls, and improvements to classroom data and a/v capabilities.

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